How Social Media is Helping Online Casinos

Witness the influence of social networks and social gaming on the booming online gambling industry.
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May 4, 2018

There was a time when you actually had to visit a casino (preferably in Vegas) to gamble away your money. But then came the internet and like everything else, gambling also went online. Online casinos started to become popular in the 1990s. Over the next two decades the online gaming industry in general has exploded into the public consciousness, and now it continues to evolve with news methods of staying current and also abreast of the trends. The use of forums is very popular as a way of interacting with fellow gamers and finding out about the best games and where to go.

But what has led to real boom in online gambling and its widespread acceptance is the rise of social networks and social gaming. Zynga poker  is the number one poker game in the world and one of the top games ever. It’s not really surprising as it is integrated with Facebook and allows players to game in a social way which seems to be the way forward. This has added to games like poker being much more accessible to people across the board as you can invite friends into the game via Facebook allowing more people than ever to play casino games. The world we live in is a social one and so casino sites such as and gaming sites in general have had to embrace this.

Harnessing the Power of Social Media for Customer Service

Twitter is a great social network encouraging ongoing conversation and engagement  and it is the first place people go to if a site is down or they are having problems so that they can question the developers directly. This needs to be seen as an opportunity to give great customer service so that players are not left unsatisfied in a domain where they can easily complain publicly and therefore damage the reputation of the brand-this of course is the downside to social media if companies don't embrace it fully.

Google Plus has also become a popular social network for online businesses. Having an active google plus account where casino sites post and re post gaming content and encourage that sharing amongst their community improves rankings and visibility which is important in an industry that is growing and expanding all the time.

The Future of Online Casinos: Embracing Mobile Apps and Innovation

Online gaming is still evolving and with more and more mobile apps, online casinos have a real chance of reaching out to people who would never otherwise visit a real casino. What is required is an innovative strategy and creative gameplay to make online casinos more mainstream.

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