Increase Conversions By Optimizing Your Product Pages

Your conversion rate increases when the client knows exactly what they're buying, as having the right details can make all the difference.
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October 31, 2022

Online store owners today are too much in a hurry to get their products online. As a result, they leave out valuable information which can be used to further entice customers to make a purchase.

This is why it is advised that online stores optimize their product pages. Just a few simple changes can help your store increase its conversion rates.

Below are some useful tips on how you can go about optimizing your store’s product pages. Your website’s template is probably already optimized to accommodate your customers.  

However, that won't be enough. You will still have to make sure the data you input is up to scratch.

Lead with the Most Crucial Details

It's best to start off your product landing page with the most crucial details possible. A straightforward summary that includes the product’s purpose and best features is what is necessary.  

Include details highlighting the product’s benefits or ingredients. You can then include a section further down the page that includes as much information as possible on the product.  

Including all the relevant information is necessary too, but it does not need to take up the most prime real estate of your page, which is at the top.  

It's good to have every ounce of details available as an option. However, reserve this sort of info for the bottom of the page.

Displaying your most crucial information first is a technique used often in newspapers and other media. Journalists usually try to include as much of a summary as possible in their article heading.

Cramming a whole lot of information into a few words is difficult to achieve in most cases, so they lead with the most critical point of the story in the heading.  

They then further summarize the highlights of their story in the first paragraph, while elaborating further throughout the article.

People, in general, have been conditioned to consume media this way. This is one of the reasons behind getting to the point early on.  

Saving the best for last and keeping customers in suspense is not a good idea. Making your audience work for information isn't going to cut it as they can simply exit your website with a single click.

A Clear Call-To-Action

It's way too easy to get lost in design and lose focus on functionality.  

This happens way too often and is evident in plenty of online stores that have great images and colorful themes, but only have a tiny bit of space for a CTA button.  

Make sure your “add to cart” button is clearly visible and readily available.

Source: Asos

When a customer is on a product page, they are most likely ready to buy your product. Their next click should be on the “add to cart” button, which is why it needs to be readily available in plain sight.  

The only other information they will require before clicking is info related to the product.

Some examples of product information are:

  • Product name
  • Pictures
  • Product summary
  • Description
  • Reviews

If a customer already knows what he wants and is ready to buy, then just product name and images are needed to verify the product. Everything else is meant more towards helping undecided customers make a purchase decision.  

Don't let these elements get too much in the way of your CTA. Instead, use these elements to guide your customers towards your product’s CTA.

Making Your Products Speak with Pics, Vids, and GIFs

One of the most significant downsides of shopping online is the inability to see and touch the product in person. This is the main reason why there is still a large number of people who prefer to shop at physical stores.  

Physical stores in malls allow people the opportunity to try out clothes and to test certain electronics.

If a customer already has enough information regarding your products (they may have seen it physically or on TV), then basic images will suffice.  

However, this isn't always the case. You will be required in most cases to entice your online traffic further by including optimized images, videos, and even GIFs.

Optimized images can come in the form of custom images taken by store owners. Instead of using generic pictures of a pair of sneakers taken from the brand's website, upload at least five pictures to the image gallery of the sneaker taken from different angles.  

You can even take pictures of the sneaker being worn by a model.

Using GIFs and Videos on Your Product Page

More great ways to improve upon the visual aspect of your product pages is to include a moving image such as a GIF. This works amazingly well with technology products as Apple uses GIFs effectively in their product pages.  

GIFs are usually not too large in file size and load up quickly. This is a great way to quickly demonstrate a feature without having to wait for a video demonstration to stream.

Mega e-commerce stores have seen a decent amount of success after embedding videos on their product pages. Modern consumers have become inclined to make a purchase decision after watching a video review done by an influential tech reviewer.  

Especially on YouTube. So why not bring those videos to your product page? Those kinds of videos are designed to help consumers make a purchase decision.

Reviews and Guarantees

Trust plays a major role in a consumers decision-making process. Purchasing a product without any user reviews or stipulated guarantees is a hard decision to make.

It's truly amazing the difference just a few stars and words under the review section of a product page can make.

The stats are as high as 95% of shoppers who make sure to read reviews before making a purchase. You should enable reviews on all product pages for this reason alone.  

Including the details of a products guarantee under its description is also necessary in order to give your store's customers peace of mind. You could also insert guarantee images or thumbnails to add to the visual nature of your product page.

In can be very time consuming to input hundreds, if not thousands of stock items. It is very tempting to go with just the minimal amount of details that is accompanied by a single image.

However, if you take a closer look at successful e-commerce websites, you will see that they follow the above tips when creating their product pages.

Try to accommodate for these tips when scheduling your next stock input. You will definitely notice a change in your customers' behavior after doing this.

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