Boost Sales Now with This Addition to Email Receipts

Maximize sales with email receipts! Engage customers by including promotions, upsells, social share options, custom discounts, and more. Here's how!
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June 14, 2024

When a customer makes a purchase from your store, they will receive a receipt. This receipt is likely to be opened and reviewed by the customer.

This is your opportunity to engage with your customers again with the hopes of bringing them back for more. If you plan your emails carefully with just the right content, you will then be able to get your customers back into your store. Here's how you do it.

Why Market Through Email Receipts

The receipts that your store emails to your customers have an average open rate of around 70.90%. This is gigantic in comparison to the average open rate for regular emails which are approximately 17.19%.  

One of the reasons behind the massive open rate of receipts is the fact that customers who have just bought from your store are currently fully committed to your brand and products.  

Your customers' trust level is also at its highest after purchase. They also open your store’s email not just because they are currently in love with your brand, but as a simple way of making sure the items on the receipt are billed correctly.  

No one wants to be charged extra for the wrong items now. You can use all of this to your advantage.  

You can add simple elements into the receipt email that can help you to achieve some of the following:

  • Current sales promotions  
  • Upsell on related products  
  • Allow customers to share their purchases on social media  
  • Custom discount code for next purchase  
  • Promote your own social media accounts and campaigns  

You can also request your customers to provide valuable feedback regarding the products that they have purchased. Ask them to rate their product or overall experience. Here’s a detailed guide on how to maximize the benefits of your product receipts.

Include Current Sales Promotions

This is something that all online stores take part in. They develop a great promotion that they run for a specific period, like two months. They then market that promotion as if it were the last promo. Companies do this by integrating the promo into everything.

Their promotions can be seen everywhere: on TV, the internet, company letterheads, email signatures, and even on invoices and receipts. If you're running a summer promotion, it’s essential to include a link to your offer in all your email receipts.

Upsell on Related Products

If your customer has just purchased the latest mobile smartphone, suggest some related products that can complement their purchase. This could be items such as phone covers, chargers, and car accessories related to your customer's smartphone purchase.  

Including relevant product information in your receipts to upsell is in no way a new tactic. This has been implemented by Amazon since 2006. Amazon reported that 35% of its revenue is from cross-sales and up-selling. Most of which through their email receipts.  

Let Customers Share Their Purchases on Social Media

Everyone can benefit from a little retail therapy. The surge of dopamine we experience after making a purchase provides a genuinely satisfying boost to our mood.

If you feel this way after making a purchase at a physical store at a mall, you will be more than inclined to recommend that store to a friend.  

Now imagine your customer receives a receipt confirming the goods they just bought. Giving them the option to recommend your store to other potential customers at the very satisfying moment after completing a purchase is a no-brainer.  

Social share buttons are easy to implement into your receipts as well.  

When a customer clicks on a social share button like twitter, they will be taken to a new tab on their browser that will load up twitter. They will be required to log in and tweet a link to your product along with a cute prewritten message expressing their delight in their new purchase.  

People who follow your customer will see the link and will click through to your website. This can be a great tactic to get traffic to your website.

Custom Discount Code

Including a discount code within your receipt means that you are offering your customer an incentive to come back and shop. Once someone spends money at a store, they must stop spending for personal financial reasons. In general, most people only earn a specific amount of money a month.  

This means that customers can easily disappear after a purchase because of their mentality towards reserving their cash. Including a discount code or coupon means you will keep your online store's doors open.  

This makes the decision to come back much easier for the customer.

A recent study showed that 44% of email recipients managed to complete at least one purchase due to promo emails that included a coupon code. Your discount amount does not have to be drastic. Even something as low as 5% is as good as any savings can be seen as a good thing to a customer.

Promote Your Stores Social Media Accounts

Online stores are beginning to create a real buzz around their social media accounts. Online stores are killing it on Instagram now with excellent campaigns. Chances are that your customer has not been exposed to your Instagram account.  

Link up to your profile. A simple profile link could get you more organic followers in the long run. This way your customer will remain in contact with you on social media. You can also request that they promote your social media accounts by either sharing your posts or sharing your account with friends.  

It's not uncommon for stores to offer coupons for social shares. An example will be to get 10% off your next purchase if you refer a friend. You can change it up to share with five friends to get 25% off your next purchase. Keep experimenting to get the best combination possible for your customers.  

Enhance Customer Engagement with Ecango's Transcription Software

Integrating Ecango's transcription software into your email strategy can further boost engagement. By converting audio or video content into text, you can add informative product descriptions, how-to guides, and customer testimonials directly into your receipts.

This not only enriches the content but also makes it more accessible to all customers, enhancing their overall experience and increasing the likelihood of repeat purchases.

Constantly Evolve Your Email Design

Regularly update and test different elements of your email receipts to meet your customers' evolving needs. Continuously experiment with various combinations until you find the optimal setup that maximizes customer satisfaction and engagement.

By leveraging these strategies and incorporating Ecango's transcription software, you can transform your email receipts into powerful marketing tools that drive sales and foster customer loyalty.

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